Please be sure to look around my page before following/interacting.Physically disabled, NPD, ASPD, AuDHD and some other stupid brain farts.


Hi, I'm Ruby.I'm physically disabled and chronically ill. I do not owe anybody an explanation or list of all my ailments. I share what I am comfortable sharing.I struggle extremely badly with empathy and can be emotion blind, so be aware. I try my best to be kind and empathetic, but I do struggle a lot. Just don't stereotype me for the conditions I have.I try to use tone tags but don't always. If you need a tone clarified, please ask.


  • Castlevania

  • Resident Evil

  • Alien

  • Pirates of the Caribbean

  • OSC

  • My Little Pony

  • Cult of the Lamb

  • Slime Rancher

  • Marvel

  • Sonic


All of these are literally me. Do not reality check me without consent, I will block you on sight. Uneasy about doubles, DNI unless I interact first.Also my DAs of these characters harm literally nobody, leave me the fuck alone.


Feel free to interact with me if you're a double sunglasses emoji.


On god most of these are just my fictional others LOL I'm not possessive though, just kinda obsessive.

And the special one....
I am so abnormal about these three specifically.

Please take the time to read through every page provided here.



  • I am physically and mentally impaired, so please take that into account when we interact.

  • I mostly keep to myself and I have commissions to do, so responses can be slow at times.

  • I block freely without caring who it is that I block. If I blocked you, it's likely nothing personal, I am just not interested in your content or in interaction.

Please Do

  • Respect my boundaries and morals.

  • Be patient while you wait for a response.

  • Draw the characters I own if you want to and like them.

Please Don't

  • Make any nasty comments towards me or any of my partners/friends.

  • Take inspiration, color pick, reference, or steal any of my characters.

  • Claim my characters as yours.

  • Use my characters in any Fetish or NSFW works period unless I have given you explicit permission.

  • Interact with me or look at my content if you are under the age of 13.

  • Attempt to interact with my adult content if you are under the age of 18.


  • Eyestrain

  • Heavy and light blood/gore

  • Varying forms of body horror

  • Death

  • Use of drugs and alcoholism

  • Dreamcore / weirdcore / nostalgiacore / traumacore / liminal spaces

  • Religious / cult imagery

  • Scopophobia

  • Body horror

  • Glitching images / faces

Do Not Follow If...

STOP ASKING ME ABOUT THE PEOPLE ON MY BLACKLIST. They're here for a reason, I don't owe you an explanation.

  • Yoyiecake / oseaofstars / yovarethemoon

  • Toybox / ToyboxPlush

  • townetide / ttide